Art can be useful. It can surround us, and isn’t just something hung on a wall. If it’s done well, it is the wall. Good art shouldn’t depreciate. It should be loved and grow more precious every year. You don’t shred it just because it’s 100 years old. In fact, you treasure it more.
In that respect, a large building, home or inner space needn’t be different.
That’s why I love what I do – and embrace the challenge of designing and developing artfully timeless structures and the spaces within.

Here, in this WORKS section of my website, I’ll share the principles that guide the design and execution of my endeavours. My views on broader matters, including business and real estate markets, can be found in the PERSPECTIVES section.
This website is dedicated to my personal relationship with my work, along with its commingled challenges and opportunities. It’s where you’ll find my own marketing-conventions-be-damned story – whereas a more concise business overview and information on projects, as they unfold, can be found at James Schouw & Associates, which is linked at the bottom of this page and others.

I was led onto this career path by a confluence of interests – design, construction, physics, mathematics and business – and I’ve continued resolutely upon it with the help of a remarkable circle of supporters and collaborators, some of whom I’ve worked with for nearly a quarter century.
They are the associates in James Schouw & Associates, a trade identity that I established with careful deliberation very early in my career. Then, rather than coining an anonymous moniker, I committed to developing my endeavours under a banner that I knew would inseparably follow me – and that I’d always answer to, and for.